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Moving on up!

Sep 12

3 min read




I always thought being an aunt was the greatest gift in my life and it truly is but being a step-mom is even better. When I first met my step-son he was around five years old. Life sent my husband and I in different directions and when we reunited and got married, my step-son was twelve years old. He came to stay with us for the summer and before his vacation was over, he had asked me if he could come and live with us. He lived in Colorado with his mom and step-dad, so this was a huge step for him. Leaving his mom at almost thirteen is very difficult and brave. My husband being a part time parent and me never being a parent was a huge change for us too. He started at my alma mater and we immediately noticed the struggles he had. The school really tried to help him and set him up for success with an IEP. We too, at home, had to change how we worked with him. I gave up my job to be at home to help him with his home work. We didnt know how far behind he truly was untilnthe school tested him. He came to us in the seventh grade, on a first grade math and reading level and zero tools to help him with his ADD and anxiety. Between us, his grandparents, our church, his therapy, his doctor, and Civil Air Patrol, he began to figure out himself. Did he still struggle? Absolutely! ....but we were learning and trying our best to help him in the process. Did we fail as parents, yes! Should we have did things differently, yes! Do I wish I could change the way I went about things with him, absolutely! I feel as if I was too hard on him. I did soooo much research on ways to help him, but no child is the same and things that would work for some may not work for all children. I prayed hard for him daily and still do. He doesn't really know how much he helped me too. With my RA and diabetes, I tended to have more bad days than good and struggled in life. He gave me a reason to push myself everyday. To make sure I was there for him and to make sure I stayed motivated. To make sure I helped with homework and CAP. To make sure he always had a meal on the table and snacks in the cupboards. To make sure appointments, his schedule, his school work and his work for CAP was organized for him and I was his way to get to all of those things. He made me live for something more than myself. I love him as if he was my own. At times he probably thinks I'm hard on him, but I just want him to live up to his full potential because I know he can. He has a heart of gold and no matter how hard it was for him, he was always worried about me and my health. We've always had a good relationship and I'm so glad he came into my life. He was the one who gave me the title of step-mom when I was never meant to be a mom. I hope he always knows that he has blessed my life in many ways and I hope he knows I am always here for him. Just another daily dose of T.


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